Sunday, December 19, 2010

Deck List For Two Player 8th


Gianky CI FA 'How much KNOW' GOOD WITH PEARS DEMA (although the sun)

Terrible lesson Gianky tactic that destroys the unfortunate set up training by SARA submerging of goals. The incredible results (20 to 3) triggers the critical reaction of the players against Captain Sara guilty of having assembled a very dynamic team, but the swirl of controversy that also involves Dema (blinded by the sun) was not confirmed in the vein of recent games and the realization "senators" John, Gigi and Henry who have been unable to overcome the shortcomings of the athletic peers. On the other hand the players have repaid the trust of coach played a flawless match but failing to send in goal, too undisciplined Giovannone. Last note dedicated to Prof author of a major operation on his team-mate John.

RESULT: Gianky vs. SARA 20 to 3.


Dario 9 (1 goal)
Paul 10 (5 goals)

Vittorio 9 (2 goals)
Sparrow 9 (1 goal)
Domenico 9 (1 goal)

Ivan 10 (5 goals)

Roberto Giovannelli 9 9 (5 goals)

Sara 7:30
John 7 (1 goal)
Henry 7
Spain 1 Gigi
Bobo 1 and a half (1 goal)
Prof 1 (1 goal)
Dema 1

The KING of Fogliano 2010 is ....

thanks to all participants ....


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