Monday, June 25, 2007

Beautiful Agony Sounds

SILLA CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT! First meeting of the Borough Council

At the end we succeeded!


The best compliments and best wishes, Sir!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

ยามาฮ่า Dt 250

San Rocco - Sant'Anna

Tuesday, June 19, at 18.00 at the headquarters in Via Cipriani 65 (school "G. Ungaretti), will host the first meeting of the Borough Council of San Rocco - Sant'Anna. The
OdG provides validation of the elected, the election of President and Vice President.
remind everyone that the meetings of the Districts are public and anyone may attend.

As for some remarks which appeared in the local press about the whole district presidents have to say I'm flattered that you also read my name.
I'm the only component of the new Council was also part of the old one (the friend Hassek Franco was elected to City Council) but are not the only one with this experience behind you: there are other people to have played the role of advisor in other offices. That said, any applications will emerge during the first session and see how they behave accordingly, for now it is premature to speculate.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

When Is The Best Time Book International Flight

The Launching of the Executive Board

Here is the composition of the Board:
  • Fabio Gentile, Vice Mayor (AN) : Business, Markets and production activities, Economic Planning, Decentralization and municipal police
  • Devetag Antonio (FI) Park cultural, tourism development, agricultural resources, Universities and Major Events ;
  • Silvana Romano (FI) : Welfare, Social Affairs and Family, health policy, social and welfare services, educational services and education, equal opportunities;
  • Guido Germano Pettarin (FI) : Budget, Finance, Taxes, Human Resources, Institutional Relations, Legal, Legal, Corporate Investments,
  • Francesco Del Sordi (AN) : Hygiene and environmental protection, public parks, Civil Protection and Urban Mobility;
  • Dario Baresi (UDC) : Urban Planning, heritage, housing policies, information systems development, eminent domain;
  • Sergio Cosma (Gorizia Tricolore) : Sports, sports management and development, statistical and demographic services, cemetery services;
  • Stefano Waxing (LN) : Youth Politics, Voluntary Protection of local identities, relationships with associations.

Mayor Ettore Romoli retains the powers of Public Works and urban, Institutional relationships, policies of territorial cooperation and European integration.

All the best wishes!

Bulma And Vegeta English Doujinshi

Today at 19.30 hours, except for last-minute postponements, will be held in the City Hall press conference to present the new Government headed by Mayor Ettore Romoli.