Monday, September 17, 2007

Xanax Befor Brazilian


is a bit 'I can not find the time to write on the blog ... let's make up!

few words while on the 60th celebrations of the return of Gorizia Italy or, as I hear these days, a move back to Italy because the Italian city Gorizia remained even in the dark years of employment German in 40 days of employment titin and 2 years of the Allied Military Government.
celebrations were important, listen and join sign that certain values \u200b\u200bare still alive not only among the generations who have lived on the skin the events of those years but also their children and grandchildren.

Of all the moments I remember there was one it struck me more than others: the recognition given by the mayor to veterans of the Division of Gorizia, which were mobilized in demonstrations in front of the Allied Committee for the definition of the borders to show that Gorizia was an Italian city. A dutiful gesture that has finally healed a lapse time too many years.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Monica Roccaforte Honneymoon

Faiti Street and around ...

Today on the news that little is taken away Faiti, or rather, the stretch of that road that is placed beyond the intersection with Via Third Army, will be paved after the work that Iris will perform for the laying of gas pipes. I would add that the speech - according to what riferitomi during a meeting in July between the mayor and the Council of Presidents. - Affect via Hermada.
My hope is that everything goes well and that the site will open soon and will be done soon. The inhabitants of that area are, rightly, to say the least exaggerated and resolve this situation is right.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Urinary Frequency During Period

night noises: the letter from the Chairman of the Board. circ. Flavio city center Duke

has appeared in the local press the letter of Mr President of the Duke Center Flavio on the issue of night noises. The following:

"The heated debate on the question of the night noises of which would be responsible for the young people who frequent the bars and the remedies being considered by the municipal lead me to some riflessione.È undoubtedly true that all citizens have the sacrosanct right to rest at night and noises, deafening music, motors packaged, skid or whatever, if repeated regularly, can become detrimental to the right, until, in the most serious offense. But it is equally true that young people just for the office of vitality that distinguishes them, are naturally led to the transgression and happiness often goes hand in hand with some noise. The solution, as often happens, to be found in the common sense in that bit of restraint and mutual tolerance that allows you to go beyond the opposition of schieramenti.Sarebbe appropriate for everyone, put all selfishness, reflected a bit on the fact that the city belongs to everyone, young and old and all must offer an answer to their needs. Sure, the noises that disturb the quiet claim that those who would like a quiet city and silent. But it is equally true that the lethargy is repulsive to those who, by contrast, want a vibrant city in which it is allowed to express their vitality ... If we consider that Gorizia is becoming a college town where young people have an essential and characteristic, we must accept that they need their own space in the broadest sense, and that the college with its ironclad timetable is now out of fashion. Between a dormitory town and revelry without limit and without restraint, there are lots of possible intermediates in which it is certainly possible to find a compromise solution to meet, again, with that bit of mutual tolerance, a little ' all. I do not know if that required the closure of the exercises at midnight or one o'clock is a good idea. I do not know and I wonder not exclude a priori, as it appears to someone with an excess of irony, does not seem to grasp the seriousness of the problem. I do not know and I wonder, especially if that decision should be taken individually by the local government, independent of other municipalities more or less close, and especially across the border, where there are dangerous temptations and attractions, at least according to As we read in the press in recent times. The boys, as among others have already announced, could resume as night raids that too often end in a tragic way and who has children knows the torment of sleepless nights spent in anxious wait to hear the key turn in the lock. Alienate young people from the city does not solve any problem. Better to keep them close to the boys, offering them a welcoming environment for them, in which trovino.Sarebbe better then, instead of demanding top-down positions, the parties concerned, including of course I would see good operators are faced in a dialogue open and peaceful neighborhood and the Council could be the ideal forum where such dialogue could develop. To this end I offer myself and of course the availability of the entire Board which I believe I interpret the thoughts and organize my care will be a public meeting on this issue at the earliest, when the city will recover its normal rhythm of life Holiday over. "
Flavio Duke
President of Borough Council Town Centre

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Interviw Questions For Post Of Equity Dealer

Outbursts on a Third Army

a problem to put it mildly annoying to the residents of Via Third Army, but also the neighboring streets, are the blasts, even if the wind is very strong for, from the border area during the day but, as normal, they become unbearable at night. The fact that I was brought to the attention of some acquaintances about ten days ago, last Sunday was also highlighted by the press.
We discussed also in the Council meeting last Monday and today I have officially reported the problem to the police because we determine the origin and possibly solve the problem.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Cover Letter Commercial Offer

The Council will meet Monday S.Anna S.Rocco-23

I enter on this small but precious web space OdG of the sitting of the District Council of S.Rocco-S.Anna which I convened on Monday 23 at 20.00, at the headquarters in Via Cipriani, 65:
  1. Communications of the President;
  2. Identifying priorities Triennial Program Public Works;
  3. activities and any proposals for expenditure decisions;
  4. Any other business.

As always, the session will be public and the public will be able to intervene if present, after the directors at the discretion of the Council with comments on items on the agenda (Article Regulation 10 of the districts of the municipality of Gorizia).

Feels Like Fluid In Lungs

photos of the Council of 25 June 2007

Thanks to my friend Alessandro Tavella, here are two photos of the meeting of the Council of 25 June during which I was elected President of the District.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

How To Fix The Toshiba Mouse

Ondina Pecorari elected President in Campagnuzza

Ondina Pecorari was reconfirmed President of the District of Campagnuzza. The election was held in the Council meeting held yesterday evening, Ondina for this is the third term, and no doubt the trust that has been granted is a test of the good work done over the anni.Ad Zorzenon Alessio, AN, vicepresidenza.A did the entire Board of Campagnuzza's best wishes.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Beautiful Agony Sounds

SILLA CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT! First meeting of the Borough Council

At the end we succeeded!


The best compliments and best wishes, Sir!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

ยามาฮ่า Dt 250

San Rocco - Sant'Anna

Tuesday, June 19, at 18.00 at the headquarters in Via Cipriani 65 (school "G. Ungaretti), will host the first meeting of the Borough Council of San Rocco - Sant'Anna. The
OdG provides validation of the elected, the election of President and Vice President.
remind everyone that the meetings of the Districts are public and anyone may attend.

As for some remarks which appeared in the local press about the whole district presidents have to say I'm flattered that you also read my name.
I'm the only component of the new Council was also part of the old one (the friend Hassek Franco was elected to City Council) but are not the only one with this experience behind you: there are other people to have played the role of advisor in other offices. That said, any applications will emerge during the first session and see how they behave accordingly, for now it is premature to speculate.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

When Is The Best Time Book International Flight

The Launching of the Executive Board

Here is the composition of the Board:
  • Fabio Gentile, Vice Mayor (AN) : Business, Markets and production activities, Economic Planning, Decentralization and municipal police
  • Devetag Antonio (FI) Park cultural, tourism development, agricultural resources, Universities and Major Events ;
  • Silvana Romano (FI) : Welfare, Social Affairs and Family, health policy, social and welfare services, educational services and education, equal opportunities;
  • Guido Germano Pettarin (FI) : Budget, Finance, Taxes, Human Resources, Institutional Relations, Legal, Legal, Corporate Investments,
  • Francesco Del Sordi (AN) : Hygiene and environmental protection, public parks, Civil Protection and Urban Mobility;
  • Dario Baresi (UDC) : Urban Planning, heritage, housing policies, information systems development, eminent domain;
  • Sergio Cosma (Gorizia Tricolore) : Sports, sports management and development, statistical and demographic services, cemetery services;
  • Stefano Waxing (LN) : Youth Politics, Voluntary Protection of local identities, relationships with associations.

Mayor Ettore Romoli retains the powers of Public Works and urban, Institutional relationships, policies of territorial cooperation and European integration.

All the best wishes!

Bulma And Vegeta English Doujinshi

Today at 19.30 hours, except for last-minute postponements, will be held in the City Hall press conference to present the new Government headed by Mayor Ettore Romoli.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Does Hcg Cause Hot Flushes?


As expected and hoped, Ettore Romoli became Mayor of Gorizia winning the municipal elections in the first round. An important result came with a hefty 51.13% of the unit that awarded the center right of Gorizia.

To As for me, I collected 47 votes for City Council and is therefore not elected but on the other hand, I received a lot of supporters (61) in Council District San Rocco - Sant'Anna. For another five years to continue my commitment to the neighborhood, with attention to small problems of its inhabitants, and even now announced that it will open this little space in the web to talk to everyone and receive criticism and advice.

As mentioned in a previous post, I thank the friends and Andrea Vanni (in alphabetical order), true friends, I have been close in these long weeks of the campaign and who supported me and endured to make a pun, not least the indispensable and irreplaceable Francesca.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Beat Car/sales Manager

Municipal elections in Gorizia - 27 and May 28, 2007

Pierpaolo Silli

28 years

Employee and graduate in Modern History

Alpine has done military service in the Alpine Brigade Julia

Since 2002 the District Council of St. Rocco - S. Anna

Coordinator of Forza Italy City Young

candidates for the City Council GORIZIA

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Kamehsutra Read Online

Elections municipalities of Gorizia - 27 and May 28, 2007


commitment to my district

As you bed, are outgoing Borough Council in the San Rocco - Sant'Anna.

After five years as Director I wanted to be re-nominated for that role which allowed me to learn many things, get in touch with the real problems and real people, to be active in my community, my community.

My commitment to serve the citizens of San Rocco and Anne wants to continue in a simple and direct with whom I played my role in these years, listening to people and trying to improve the lives of the District.

Some issues for which I am committed, or in the City Council or in the District:

  • Safety via the Third Army : In recent years several incidents have happened, some of which unfortunately have caused victims also. Artery so traffic can not remain without a sidewalk and bike path to allow the transit of pedestrians and cyclists safely, not to mention the complete lack of public lighting in large areas - a problem that I have repeatedly raised in the Council no response from the District Municipality.
  • enhancement of Piazza San Rocco: one of the historic squares of the city can and should be put into proper emphasis, to again become a meeting place and social and economic activities that enhance overlook it. The renovation of lighting, restoration of the obelisk that Lasciac April 25, 2009 will be 100 years old, and arrangements of the flower are the central themes that I am committed to continue;
  • streets and sidewalks: are the problems most immediate is that the citizen is faced with a commitment to their rebuilding with the knowledge that this is a common problem throughout the city and therefore not easy and immediate resolution, especially for the costs involved in similar works;
  • attention to all ideas that come from local residents and who want to contribute to its development.


Saturday, May 26, 2007

Which Episode Does Bulma Gets Pregnant

For a young and concrete commitment to the city!

Choose renovation, PIERPAOLO SILLA vote!

Ambitious Cocky Quotes

Day of Reflection

Today, as required by law, is a day of reflection and silence with regard to electioneering.
thanks go to all those I met during these weeks to exchange views and ideas with them, both on the street here on the forum. Thanks also to friends who have shared with me the labors of this campaign: you've been great!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Weber Unimat Wtn22-555 Switch

Meeting with the citizens of San Rocco - Sant'Anna

Tuesday, May 15, at 20:30 , at the Conference Room of Community Center Multipurpose being Baiamonti , I organized, along with fellow nominee Marion Mollica, a meeting with mayoral candidate Hector Romo and the citizens of San Rocco - Sant'Anna for comparison and exchange of ideas on the problems of the District.
you look!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Anyone Used Chinese Lunar

Electoral Program

is the electoral program of the candidate for mayor of Gorizia Ettore Romoli.

You can download it by clicking the right mouse button on the link below and choose "Save Target As."

Electoral Program

Monday, May 7, 2007

White Cervical Mucus Just Before Periods

Submission of Ettore Romoli

Today at 18:30, at the Union Hall Historic gymnastics Gorizia, there will be the official presentation of the program's mayoral candidate Ettore Romoli. There will be representatives of all the lists that support his candidacy.
I will be present and I would be happy wanted to know how to chat with me.