I love you without knowing how
should spend some 'time.
You can not just say goodbye, just know that it's all over and never call her arms and, in that moment you are mush.
Even if you rebel, even if you think, "so tomorrow I'll be dead."
But there, at the time of farewell is that makes you despair of anesthetic.
local anesthesia.
're all awake and alive, lurking.
Waiting for half an hour, half day, half a week his head explodes.
How it hurts!
Love, desire, friendship were together.
There are times when we struggle to find themselves and feel frustrated to the point that the only comfort becomes the delight of his melancholy.
They take the inner remorse; pound key dell'autoaccusa with anguish.
more the body atrophies, the more the mind is unleashed.
I am shocked and pained.
Right now it seems to me an unacceptable forms of violence.
The passion you can not negotiate, I know.
You can love so much not to love more?
have asked me that before.
to come to life should be, true solidarity starts where not wait for anything, but we must have the "heart" big enough, the 'imagination' open enough to see what others do not see, for meet the man beyond his outward appearance, where there is one, where only those who love can penetrate.